Take 5 and Breathe

Take 5 and Breathe

Ever felt short of breath and paralyzed by negative thinking?

You know, those times you’ve replayed a flubbed conversation, or told yourself you can’t do something? Or maybe you’ve simply found yourself dwelling on your fear of an upcoming event or conversation. You’re not alone. Plus, those negative ruminations can increase our heart rate and shorten our breath.

Here are five tools – combined with deep breathing – that can move you out of those negative thought patterns. 

Ready? Go! 

1. Think of one thing right now that is positive and TRUE.

Example: the weather is beautiful today….now take a deep breath.

2. Think of one thing today that is LOVELY.

Example: the smile of someone you cherish…can you see it? Take a deep breath. 

3. Think of one thing that is PURE.

Example: the pure water you drank today and have the privilege to access and drink so easily. Take a deep breath…and a sip!

4. Think of one thing that is RIGHT.

Example: your decision to Take 5! Take a deep breath.

5. Think of one thing that is GOOD TO TELL to others.

Example: a compliment. Text one to someone now and take a deep breath.    

Now, think on THESE FIVE THINGS today. Review those thoughts in your mind.  List them on a sticky note. Feel peace and Breathe Deep. 



Ecopsychology & Health


Wrapping Up Conversations Wisely